Midweek Musings, My Top 10 Birthday Realizations

In honor of yet another birthday that makes me older, I am grateful for people who love me and want to make me feel special. The event was last weekend. My mom cooked for me and got an awesome cake, my boyfriend gave me multiple gifts and a wonderful day, and my son gave me the gift I picked out.

With all my years, I must be especially wise now, right? So, for anyone still reading, here are some things I’ve learned:

1. I heard somewhere that bangs are a poor woman’s Botox. I find this to be true. Sure, they’ll grow out and you’ll have to adjust, but it’s worth it. Try it!

2. Wearing more makeup as you age doesn’t make you look younger. It makes you look fake. With a lot of eye makeup comes the removal process. Rubbing off eye shadow with cotton balls always makes my under- eye bags much worse the next day. That’s not the Smoky eye I want!

3. Find a cheap gym where you’ll see young and old alike. The young men are great to look at, and the old men will make you feel like you’re young and gorgeous!

4. Eyelashes are much less prominent with passing year. I always use clear mascara except for special occasions. I want an eyelash growth serum that doesn’t break the bank or cause irritation. Any suggestions?

5. A good eyebrow pencil is a must!

6. I tried the strategy of dying my hair darker and loved the look, but my hair looked thinner when the roots grew out. Never again. Highlights and lowlights for me!

7. Hobbies are a must, even when working towards retirement. I’m trying, but it’s not always easy. We’re in a world where employers are constantly asking for more from us. I have to say no sometimes.

8. I find I use concealer more and more each year. It is my friend.

9. The best makeup look is a well-rested face. Fight against the pull of the rat-race!

10. Find yourself a friend, partner, date, etc who is constantly willing to try new places and activities with you. I believe that novelty can still create wonder. Nonchalance and believing you have seen it all or even know it all really makes a person seem old.

Well, I’ve put off the rat-race long enough. It’s time to take my morning vitamins and slap on the industrial-strength concealer in preparation for my workday. I hope you all have a good one!

Author: PamelaS.Canepa, Writing and Living

I am a writer who also teaches reading and writing, currently. In 2016, I self-published an e-book and its sequel, and I am learning the art of self-promotion. I published a full-length time travel novel as of 6/16/17 and its sequel in the summer of 2018. Life is a trip, and writing is the best escape for me! Learn about my award-winning sci-fi novel, Detours in Time, on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0711ZW6XF Visit me at https://about.me/pamela.schloessercanepa

4 thoughts on “Midweek Musings, My Top 10 Birthday Realizations”

  1. Haha! Iā€™m happy you enjoyed your birthday celebration, Pamela! Like you, when it comes to makeup, less is better. Lol!

    Yvette M Calleiro šŸ™‚http://yvettemcalleiro.blogspot.com


  2. Happy birthday! May the year ahead be filled with laughter & discovery. I love your gift that reminds us that you are ā€œnot a day over fabulous!ā€


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