Weekend Coffee Share, Bixby’s Perspective

Good morning, all! Welcome to my Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. This is Bixby taking over for Pam, or Pamela, as some of you call her. I understand we chat about what’s going on over our favorite morning ā˜• beverage. Well, I had a lick of chai tea remnants from Dogmom’s cup when she wasn’t looking, so I’m ready!

As you can see here, I’m sporting a dapper blue handkerchief that Austen, the young man of house, put on me last night. I feel extra stylish when they do that, and I didn’t even have to get a haircut this time! Yeah, I’m feeling special!

I overheard “Mom” and Grandmom discussing whether I need to get groomed soon. “Mom” said it certainly could wait a few weeks and the fluff is good when it gets chilly. It was in the 40s Wednesday morning. I don’t like cold weather! So, yay for getting to keep my fluff a while longer. I’d say 6 months would be great!

“Mom” (Dogmom) said she’s going to get a massage and a pedicure today. She’s always on the go lately! I hope those are good things, by the way. She brought her boyfriend Chris over for a short while last night, so I got some more attention.

Talking about being on the go…I haven’t been to the dog park in a long time! That’s just wrong, isn’t it? Maybe one of you could convince her? Either that, or maybe she could spend a whole day just palling around with me at home.

So, not much going on for me today. You can trust I will be barking at intruders who walk on our sidewalk, and I might just chase a cat on my next walk. I know, ruff life. I’m up to it! šŸ•

***The heartwarming book, From Lost to Loved, a Stray Dog’s Tale, imagines Bixby background origin story. You can find it in Kindle or paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Loved-Stray-Dogs-Tale-ebook/dp/B073XTV2JF

Author: PamelaS.Canepa, Writing and Living

I am a writer who also teaches reading and writing, currently. In 2016, I self-published an e-book and its sequel, and I am learning the art of self-promotion. I published a full-length time travel novel as of 6/16/17 and its sequel in the summer of 2018. Life is a trip, and writing is the best escape for me! Learn about my award-winning sci-fi novel, Detours in Time, on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0711ZW6XF Visit me at https://about.me/pamela.schloessercanepa

6 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share, Bixby’s Perspective”

  1. No dog park visits in a while? How awful! I donā€™t think I have an ounce of influence here, but Iā€™ll try. ā€œDogmom, bring this poor, mistreated puppy to the dog park!ā€ I hope you and your human family have a great week!


  2. Dude ā€“ weā€™re going to have to start calling you the Biker Blue Bix because you rock the neckerchief man ā€“ er dog. Sorry. Ask your mom when sheā€™s getting the motorcycle because next, you need a cool ride.

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