.99c Kindle deal–Sci-fi series

Books 1 & 2 in the Detours in Time series

Need a good book getaway? Both Book 1 and Book 2 of the Detours in Time series are currently just .99! Book 2, Undercurrents in Time, is on Kindle Countdown through Monday, 11/29. Both are full-length books packed with a lot of adventure.

If you’ve already read Detours in Time, read Undercurrents in Time and witness Tabitha’s bold move out of her identity struggle. (JUst .99c on a Countdown deal in the U.S. and U.K. https://www.amazon.com/Undercurrents-Time-Book-Detours-ebook/dp/B07DCCQS3N

Take the journey!

Marriage and motherhood can make life feel awfully different, but aren’t we still the same person inside? Join Tabitha’s journey!

“Thought-provoking time-travel with a sound focus on humanity.” -Amazon reviewer